Puppy Advice
Choosing to buy a puppy leads to a commitment over many years.
Before buying a puppy it is better to ask questions, in order that your lifestyle is adapted to living with a dog.
When you Purchase a KAMANTAS German Shepherd PuppyYour Puppy will have the following:
.Vet health checked and received the 1st part of the Puppy inoculation
.5 generation pedigree and Kennel Club registration certificate
. 4 weeks free KC insurance
.Worming treatment from 2 weeks to 8 weeks
.Advice manual
. Life-Time support on all aspects of care.
At Kamantas we understand that circumstances may change, and therefore if, for whatever reason, you can no longer keep a dog purchased from us, at any stage during its life, we prefer it if you contact us so that we can arrange to have the dog back.
When your puppy leaves us, it will have been fed on Arden Grange Puppy/Juniora complete puppy food
There are many other quality dry foods available.
We recommend that this diet is adhered to but there are no hard and fast rules.
Puppies fed on meat (usually tripe) and biscuit, the traditional way, do just as well providing that calcium and vitamins are given as extras.This is known as the BARF diet.
We do not recommend tinned dog food as it is usually much too rich for GSD puppies and upsets their stomachs.
Amounts may vary slightly depending on individual requirements.
A young puppy actually needs more or better food than an adult GSD, as the rate of growth is very fast.
Nearly all GSD puppies are greedy and will eat hungrily, but the best way of telling if it is getting enough is by looking at it.
It should have its ribs and hip bones covered with flesh but retain a “waist” and appear athletic and lithe.
Large meaty bones (uncooked) can be given and will help with teething and to clean adult teeth.
Poultry or fish bones should never be given.
All puppies are born with roundworms and therefore should be regularly treated to remove them, especially as they could be potentially dangerous to children.
Ask your Vet. for tablets when visiting for vaccinations and follow the directions for use. After the 6 months dose, the dog should be wormed every 6 months as a routine.
Dogs can catch several potentially fatal diseases that can be easily guarded against by vaccination.
Until the vaccination program has been completed (usually two injections with an interval between,the second being given at 10 or12 wks of age), the puppy should not be taken out in public or come into contact with other dogs. However, as soon as these have been completed, the puppy should be taken out for socialising.
Your puppy will have already received the first half of the full vaccination program (see the vaccination record enclosed)but it will require the second half of the course from your own vet. to cover against Parvovirus, Distemper, Hardpad and Leptospirosis.
Contact your own Vet. and he will tell you at what age he will inoculate it. Usually at about 10/12 weeks old.
Your Kamantas puppy is registered with the Kennel Club and the official K.C. Registration document will be in your ‘puppy pack’. This will have all relevant details of your dog on it but will still be in our name.
Full instructions for transferring it to your name are on the form.
Fill it in, sign it and send it with the transfer fee to the address shown.
You will receive back an amended registration form in a few weeks.
lease note the restrictions for “Export Pedigree” and “Progeny not to be Registered”.
The latter may be lifted by us at Kamantas on request after the dog or bitch has been
Hip and Elbow Scored to a satisfactory level though the British Vetinarary Association.
Information can be found by following the link to the GSD Breed Council on the links page of this web site.
Your puppy has been insured with The Kennel Club for 4 weeks after it leaves us.
We strongly recommend that you insure your dog after this time, as accidents needing veterinary attention can be very expensive.
You would also be covered 3rd party in the event that your dog causes an accident e.g. on the road.
There are several companies offering this service, including Buddies, Pet-Plan, and Supermarkets.
Or continue with the Kennel Club. Pick the one that best suits you.
A puppy purchased from Kamantas will hav been microchipped with its own unique number by our Vet and included will be a Pet Identification and Registration Pack
There are many types of collars and leads on the market but a lead 4ft to 6ft long in leather with a strong catch is best,with an adjustable half check collar.
Do not use chain or nylon leads as they can cut the hand when the puppy snatches or pulls.
Your puppies training should begin as soon as you get it home.
It must learn to be clean in the house, the command “Be Quick” is often used for toilet training,
And the basic commands such as “Come”, “No”, “Sit”, “Stay”, and “Down” should be taught.
“Good Boy” or “Good Girl” are the most important commands, as this praise and the fuss that goes with it is the reward for carrying out the command.
Your puppy will soon learn to be clean if you can learn a few signs that the puppy needs to go outside.
As soon as he wakes up or has been fed, he will want to relieve himself; so take him outside using a command such as “Hurry up” or “Be quick” and lots of praise when he/she complies.
Do not just put the puppy outside and leave it, as it will probably just sit by the door and cry and then as soon as it is let back in will be so excited that it will toilet on the floor.
Training classes for socialization should be attended as soon as the inoculations have been completed, and as the puppy grows, more formal training will be done.
If training is started early, the puppy will learn it as part of life and you should not have the battles that occur with 6 month old puppies that have never had this early experience and are boisterous and unruly.
This applies to show and obedience training and just good “pet” behavior.
Most dogs love the car but they should be encouraged to lie down quietly and not get over-excited during the journey.
Take your puppy out in the car for rides as soon as you can. We find a long journey of an hour or more is the best way, going equipped with newspapers and towels to clean up if the puppy is sick.
A young puppy has not got the energy to keep moving about or cry for more than about 20 minutes and will soon go to sleep for the rest of the journey. Short trips do not allow time for the puppy to settle.